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Mobsters, covert FBI operations and infiltration on a global scale, all covered and discussed with guest
Ron Fino on Kim Kolton’s Crime Wire!
Ronald Fino’s story is something more than a Hollywood screenwriter could wish for! Crime, corruption, secret agents, gangsters and arms dealers all action packed into the story of one man’s reality.
From the ranks of the Buffalo, NY Mafia and corrupt unions, Ron became an undercover FBI informant and after 17 years of reporting on the Buffalo Mafia his cover was blown. He then went to work undercover around the world, including Russia, the Middle east and Belarus performing many covert operations.
The account of his life in The Triangle Exit is fascinating and almost unbelievable, a tale of coming from the dark side of crime to become widely respected by law enforcement agencies and the global intelligence community. Infiltrating not only the Italian Mafia, but also the corruption of the Russian Mafia and its stronghold in every state in the US, their illegal activity runs the gamut from stolen cars, phony charities, false ID’s, passports, visas, stealing state secret, child porn, illegal arms, money laundering, narcotics, fraudulent insurance claims, medical bills, cyber crime and on and on.
Visit Ron Fino’s website for more information about The Triangle Exit, his thoughts on his undercover operations, international arms smuggling and labor racketeering. He’s seen it all and uncovered the corruption from top to bottom! RonaldFino.Com
Tune in to Kim Kolton’s Crime Wire to get the inside story with guest Ron Fino.